Acanac Reviews and Plans

Provider Summary Information


Coverage: ON & QC
Monthly : $64 CAD


410 2 reviewCount
FACT: When reviewing Acanac visitors in most cases feel Feeling disappointed disappointed!!

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July 11, 2020
Review Helpful? 3 Yes No 2
Submitted by: Armando (Oakville , ON)
Feeling angry Angry Rating 👎

Internet down

I have not had internet service in my home since June 16, 2020. I am able to post this review via a wifi connection near a public library. My home is in Oakville, Ontario. Since I lost internet service I have been in contact with Acanac 5 or 6 times already and as of this writing on Jul 11th, I still do not have internet service. During those telephone contacts, Acanac's initial suggestion to fix the problem was to reboot the modem. When that did not work, they said they would escalate the problem and request Cogeco to send a technician. Acanac uses the Cogeco cable system in my area. No technician came, and Acanac instructed me to buy a new modem instead which I did from them, this time Smart/RG. I connected the new modem and I gave Acanac its MAC and serial numbers for them to register in my account. I was told that it may take 24-48 hours for the new modem to work and when that did not work I called them again. This time I was told to reboot the modem. When that did not do the trick, Acanac said that they would escalate again with Cogeco to send a technician to physically check the cable connection to my house. On July 3rd, a Cogeco technician came and found that the underground cable coming to my box outside the house had faulty signal and Cogeco would have to send somebody else to fix that. In the meantime, the technician ran a temporary cable from my neighbour's box. After I have secured permission from my next door neighbour, the technician ran a cable and connected it to my box. He said I should have internet connection now if I would reboot my modem. I rebooted the modem but there was still no service; DS was blinking and US and Online lights were dead. The Cogeco technician checked the Cogeco distribution box on the ground on my street closest to my house. He came back to me to say that the there was a connection problem which was the reason I could not get a signal even via the temporary line from my neighbour. He said he would report the problem back to Cogeco. I called Acanac after the Cogeco technician had left and informed them of the situation. Acanac informed me that Cogeco had reported that there was an internet outage in Oakville and that Cogeco was fixing it at that moment. I should keep my modem connected so that I may have service once the outage had been fixed. I called again on Jul 6th and all Acanac could tell me was there was an outage and there was nothing they could do until Cogeco fixed the outage. I asked to speak with a senior agent who I was told would call me back in 24 to 48 hours. When that period passed and having received no call, I called Acanac on Jul 10th. I was told that it was still an outage issue, which I argued to be unlikely as it was inconceivable for Cogeco to leave the problem un-fixed for so many days (weeks in my case) when internet service was vital in their business to provide service to their customers. In the meantime, I received a SMS message from Acanac that they have not forgotten about me and that they were working diligently to resolve my issue. Well, I do not know about their diligence but the reality is I still do not have internet service. And because I don't have internet, I also do not have VOIP telephone service. On its website, Acanac describes itself as a better alternative to the other service providers, and claims to offer quality service to ensure their "customers are up and running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week." Those words do not have meaning to me and they are empty words really, because the reality is I have not had internet service for 26 days now!

Reply from: Edward Gates
September 28, 2020
Sounds like the, in my opinion,overly expensive, time wasting lack of results we got from execustink opps I mean execulink In my opinion no other company could be worse EXCEPT COMWAVE ! ! ! Don't walk away RUN ! ! ! ARE THERE ANY RELIABLE, TRUSTWORTHY COMPANIES IN THE ISP BUSINESS ??????
July 2, 2020
Review Helpful? 3 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Crystal (Orillia , ON)
Feeling disappointed Disappointed Rating 👎

Slow and horrible customer service

The connection is slow since I got it, not sure why I even kept it this long. I have called multiple times over and over with them making me go through the same long process every time only for them to tell me it's not an issue on their end and that there's no reason to send someone out. Every time I call they make me go through the same long process that I don't have time for with having a family to take care of, even when I tell them that I've called and and been through this same thing and it does nothing and they still refuse to do anything. They don't even offer to lower the bill for their dial up speed 'high speed' connection. Had to switch to mobile 4g just to write this review.
June 7, 2020
Review Helpful? 2 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Vlad (Toronto , ON)
Feeling angry Angry Rating 👎

No internet for 2 weeks/Acanac Is Telling lies

I ordered modem Smart RG808AC from Acanac which one they failed to activate blaming rogers. Acanac Technical Support lied about my cable nor beeing supported because rogers told them to however after a week of no internet Rogers technician came and tested the cable. Cable was fine and the problem was in the modem. We checked if Serial number and HFC mac matched and it turned out Acanac tech support couldn't get it 5 times... So it could be modem or Acanac support issue but Acanac is still unable to provide any help and resolve the issue
May 1, 2020
Review Helpful? 1 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Eric (toronto , ON)
Feeling unpleasantly_surprised Unpleasantly Surprised Rating 👎

Lousy VOIP service and technical support.

1. VOIP phone produces an echo for the person you're speaking to (even an Acanac techie said he heard it).

2. Emails to Support and contact page message may be automatically acknowledged but rarely produce a concrete result. (See Update at bottom.)

3. Problem: the phone simply stopped working. A bit of a hum on the line, but no dial tone; callers went straight to voice mail. NOTHING ELSE HAD CHANGED.

a) Acanac's website has no troubleshooting guide, even though I have a simple router and basic phone adapter from the company. (The adapter came with a start-up guide that does not include troubleshooting.)

b) Reached by phone, Acanac Support said they could not do anything remotely, not even test the line.

c) Support also said they could not email a troubleshooting guide. In fact, ludicrously, they said Support was not allowed to email me ANYTHING.
Incredulous, I asked to speak to a supervisor and was told one would call me back (understandable during the covid lockdown). I was offered three time slots (morning, afternoon or evening) and chose afternoon, noon to 5 p.m. No one called in that period; later I found a message sent at 7:30 p.m. I have not been called since, AFAIK.

d) Two further calls to Support (of necessity off-site since I didn't have another phone where my VOIP is) elicited apparently dysfunctional instructions, essentially to disconnect the ethernet cable between the phone adapter and the computer. Naturally, the only effect of this was to cut off my Internet connection.

e) Both phone connection lights on the phone adapter, including for the one my phone cable was plugged into, were out. In call #1, Support never asked about indicator lights. In call #2, I reported lights out and was told the adapter may need to be reconfigured **despite the fact that it worked until the minute the phone conked out.** This suggests a malfunctioning adapter, but they want to put me through a complicated reconfiguring.

f) Eventually I was able to obtain a cell phone and called in. The Techie wanted me to check the configuration of the phone adapter, so I tried to log in. But the passwords she supplied were rejected.

g) Seemingly out of other options, she said to recycle (turn off and then on) the phone adapter. Amazingly, it worked! Not so amazingly, this could have been suggested two weeks earlier. In fact, I had thought of doing it but was deterred by the spectre of messing up the configuration. But either that stays fixed or (more likely) it autoconfigures.

UPDATE: I did receive an email from Support near the end of this time -- responding to a question I'd emailed three weeks earlier!! I have yet to receive an email about the phone problem.
March 10, 2020
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 1
Submitted by: gvrvwimpbot ( Toronto , ON)
Feeling satisfied Satisfied Rating 👍

Review from

3 years service no issues. This week the modem started to slow down. Smart RG. Tech support was patient while we went through the modem reset. Difference, they always answer the phone. Thanks guys.
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Promo Plan Speeds

Download: 150 Mbps

Upload: 15 Mbps

Acanac is one of the most popular  Internet Service Providers in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Acanac is part of the Distributel Group with HQ in Ottawa, ON.

Acanac Internet service is available in Ontario and Quebec only on Cable flavors. Operating on Rogers, Cogeco, EastLink, and Videotron Cable main networks to offer last-mile residential services.

  • 25 Mbps Down, 10 Mbps Up at $34 month
  • 50 Mbps Down, 10 Mbps UP at $39 month
  • 75 Mbps Down, 10 Mbps Up at $44 month
  • 150 Mbps Down, 15 Mbps Up at $64 month
  • 1024 Mbps Down, 30 Mbps Up at $84 month

If you think that is coming with unlimited usage, that is not a bad plan to have!

You can purchase a modem from Acanac directly for $129.95 or rent a modem for $8 per month, for the first 12-months. The shipping of the modem is $10, oddly there is no pick-up option. There is an Activation Fee of $30. Acanac may impose a disconnection fee of $75 if in the future you decide to switch. Something to certainly consider into the equation.

Acanac residential internet is a good choice capable to satisfy the majority of internet needs in households in Ontario and Quebec. The only regrets are the existence of an activation fee, the shipping can perhaps be lower and that the promotions are front-loaded, maybe having back the old offer of 3-months of low payments at the beginning of a 12-months agreement in addition to waiving the install fee. With that said, one thing worth mentioning is that if you paid the whole year up-front you get a free month of service.

Other than it offers the modern basics of internet services, email accounts, and a relatively active online support community makes it for the lack of online chat support. There is no additional protection, such as Antivirus & AntiMalware; so users will have to source their own.


Web Email Access: Checkmark
Online Chat Support: Checkmark
Feature 24x7 Support: Checkmark
Unlimited Bandwidth: Checkmark
Own Modem: Checkmark
Rent Modem: Checkmark
Combo Wireless Modem: Checkmark
Fixed IP Available Checkmark
DHCP IP Checkmark
Extra Protection Plan Checkmark
DSL Checkmark
Cable Checkmark
Email Accounts Checkmark

My internet is not working please contact me asap via phone thank you

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i am your client and i did not ask you to continue the plan i tride to contact you by phon but ad usual was not possible to conect you so we changed our visa card number because i dont want to continue and extend the internet which we had with your company .also let you know that i dont work with my yahoo email .please either you contact my phone 6477650574 or disconnect the interne.t

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my phone service doesnt work no dial tone could please chech this out thanks

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