Airnet Wireless Reviews and Plans

Provider Summary Information
Airnet Wireless
Airnet Wireless

Airnet Wireless

Coverage: Ontario
Monthly : $50 CAD

5 2.5 reviewCount
FACT: When reviewing Airnet Wireless visitors in most cases feel Feeling disappointed disappointed!!

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November 5, 2020
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Cae (Grafton , ON)
Feeling disappointed Disappointed Rating 👎

Peak fails

We had airnet since 2015. It was slow, but okay for watching YouTube or Netflix most of the time. Skype didn't work, voip didn't work. It disconnected every now and again, but usually no more than a day. This year all it could be used for was email. Videos wouldn't play without buffering several times a minute, connection dropped several times a day. Curiously I was able to watch movies, pay bills, read emails uninterrupted outside of peak times (if I wanted to be awake at 3am).
When I voiced my concerns, after months we were offered 50% discount which seemed fine at first, but realistically it amounted to still paying too much just to pick up emails or watch videos buffer if I could get a connection. I filed a complaint with CCTS at which point airnet stopped charging me - only until I could find another provider.
I paid close to 200$ for the equipment they said was necessary to get internet at our place. They refuse to reimburse that and say it's the trees surrounding our place blocking the signal. I guess the trees grew alot suddenly this year.
They also insinuate that the equipment I was told I paid extra for was only good for my 12 month contract. That's news to me. It's unfortunate. I tried to support a local business, but they aren't interested in customer retention.

Reply from: Christine Chapman
June 16, 2021
I am having a similar issue with Airnet...force us to change to LTE services and now apparently we no longer can get the services. We are pretty limited to Services providers as we require wireless.
I was just wondering what CCTS is that you contacted?
Would greatly appreciate any information.
Best Regards
February 1, 2019
Review Helpful? 7 Yes No 1
Submitted by: Dave (Cobourg , ON)
Feeling disappointed Disappointed Rating 👎

No Internet service and slow downs

Airnet is getting worse. We have regular slow downs starting in the afternoon. Called them and they say there is no problems and they do not oversell bandwidth. I have had no internet for 2 days now and can not even get hold of Airnet on the phone. The toll free number does not work an dthe number to give you to call does not work. I am using my phone as a hot spot . There website does not even work??????
June 15, 2015
Review Helpful? 12 Yes No 1
Submitted by: Jim Moulton (Roseneath , ON)


Initially, the speed actually exceeded the suggested 6Mbps, and was regularily above 4 Mbps at all times of the day. This lasted for about three months when distinct slowdowns began. It is now a regular (as in daily) experience to see speeds below 1Kbps. I have complained but all I get is the usual Bell response, "it's you, not us!".

Reply from: Murray McMillan
December 6, 2018
I live in Camborne and I ping 175 - 250 To the Airnet Speed Test....I complained and they told me I should find another Internet Service. If there was one , even if it was worse , I would switch just for better Customer service. Forget about on line gaming even with the 10 Meg Plan...It won't happen. Funny thing is ...3 years ago it was much better...Somebody screwed it up. They got me to try the new LTE and it was even worse. I don't think it is all Airnets Fault. I really think the Entire Format of the service is severely flawed. Sharing your connection is one thing but paying $62.15 A Month for a service that makes you wait for Facebook is another.
Promo Plan Speeds

Download: 10 Mbps

Upload: services Northumberland County in Ontario. With more than 10 years of experience, Airnet began operations back in 2002. is a 100% locally owned and operated the company with the regional HQ located in Grafton, Ontario. Airnet started offering services out of the waterfront tower in Cobourg and has been expanding ever since!

Airnet used to offer a basic DSL package (using Bell network, so service was to be as good as Bell's. With perhaps better pricing and customer service) coming with unlimited internet data usage for $39.95 per month at download speeds of 6 Mbps and non-specified upload speeds, but being guesstimated superior of 800 kbps. That price was available on a 30-day contract or on a 24-month contract. If you choose to sign up for the two-year contract, you will receive your first six months at a discounted rate of $35.95 per month.

In the old DSL basic there were a variety of additional fees including $17.50 per month for dry loop fees. There is also a $15.00 per month static IP Address fee. There are also installation fees of $35.00 (unless you sign up for a two-year contract). Furthermore, on-location installation is free if under 2 hours and costs $55 per each additional hour. also offers essentially the same exact plan but as a business plan instead of residential; however, the cost goes up to $59.95 per month. Outside of their DSL plan, also offers wireless service plans which start at $40 per month and go up to $135 per month. There is no unlimited data usage for wireless plans. But on the flip side, there are no installation fees. The LTE Wireless plan is for 10 Mbps with a rather limiting cap of  100GB at $50 per month. You can add additional usage of 100GB for another $25/month.   

Airnet’s residential package is priced fairly reasonably. However, the unlimited LTE Internet with a download of 30 Mbps coming at $125/monthly is a bit pricy in Gonevoip's opinion.

Gonevoip does like the fact that when you go over your monthly usage, there are no overage charges. Rather Airnet will simply lower your speed to 128 kbps. They also give you the opportunity of purchasing an additional chunk of data is need be. 

The final deciding factor is the exuberantly high installation fees if you are only signing up for 30 days. The installation fee with a 30-day contract comes in at a whopping $260 and that is simply too high for our tastes. Plus regardless of whether you are going on a contract or not, there is a $35 contract admin fee.


Web Email Access: Checkmark
Online Chat Support: Checkmark
Feature 24x7 Support: Checkmark
Unlimited Bandwidth: Checkmark
Own Modem: Checkmark
Rent Modem: Checkmark
Combo Wireless Modem: Checkmark
Fixed IP Available Checkmark
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Extra Protection Plan Checkmark
DSL Checkmark
Cable Checkmark
Email Accounts Checkmark

Since the one review you've had a year ago what has happened to your service to convince me to use your service.

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