Buzz Telecom Reviews and Plans

Provider Summary Information
Buzz Telecom
Buzz Telecom

Buzz Telecom

Devices: None
Coverage: ON & QC
Monthly : $5 CAD

3 1 reviewCount

5 Years Trend Users Ratings

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December 14, 2015
Review Helpful? 1 Yes No 0
Submitted by: John (Montreal , QC)


Do not use 10 11 555 anymore, they over charge and no longer charge 2cents....

Avoid at all cost!
May 22, 2015
Review Helpful? 1 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Claudia A. (Quebec , QC)

Buzz Telecom 1011-555 OVERCHARGES

It has been over a year since I saw a 4cent/minute call. In the past year, every long distance call I've made from either my home phone or my Fido wireless has been for ~20-35cents/min. Its 1.49 for the first minute!!! That's insane! And when you read online that the first 10 minutes its 2.5 - whether you use 1 minute or 10... that's not true either. Its 1.49 for the first minute and there's additional charges for the 2nd minute and each additional minute!

Reply from: Dom
June 16, 2015
What is buzz telecom's contact # for their customer service!???????? 1011555 is not working and they are unreachable.
Setup Fee Long Distance Rates

Canada: $0.05
USA: $0.05
Intl. Minutes:

Buzz Telecom is an international long-distance calling Provider established in 2004 and is HQ in Montreal, QC. As with many Long Distance providers, Buzz Telecom belong to the era of the la '90s or early 2000s where phone cards or using a prefix to dial international calls were kings. In the case of Buzz Telecom is 10-11-555 or 10-11-289 which may be used with any service from Bell, Rogers and/or Videotron.

In terms of the long-distance, rates are fairly expensive when compared to those of our top-rated providers, such as Localphone or Yak. Also Buzz Telecom taxes, same as it happened when phone cards were in vogue, the caller heavily with extra fees. For international calls they'll charge a minimum of $0.25 regardless of call length and also calls are rounded in 3 minutes. Also, something else is that Buzz Telecom is a monthly subscription service, so whether you use it or not you'll have to pay for it, monthly.

Ultimately Gonevoip considers Buzz Telecom international calling service an option but inadequate to the times we are in and does not offer integrations with smartphones nor has attractive rates. 


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