G3 Telecom LD China Reviews and Plans

G3 Telecom LD China
Provider Summary Information
G3 Telecom LD China
G3 Telecom LD China

G3 Telecom LD China

Website: www.g3telecom.com
Devices: Andoid, iOS & Home Phone
Coverage: Canada Wide
Monthly : $0 CAD


1 4.5 reviewCount
FACT: When reviewing G3 Telecom LD China visitors in most cases feel Feeling happy happy!!

5 Years Trend Users Ratings

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January 3, 2024
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Submitted by: Ninjq (Toranto , ON)
Feeling happy Happy Rating 👍


Setup Fee Long Distance Rates

Intl. Minutes: 1¢/minute!

Call China with G3 Telecom lowest rate ever!  Use G3 from your landline and cell and call any number in China for less than 1¢/minute! Guaranteed clear quality! No contract, No Activation Fees, No Hidden Charges! Free trial available! Use the G3 Mobile App for the most convenient calling to the Philippines!

G3 Telecom has partnered with all the top telecom carriers to offer our best long-distance bundles to China yet! Canadian customers can choose between two plans: a monthly plan that gives users 400 minutes/month for only $3.99! That’s only 1 cent/minute! OR choose between 4 monthly bundle plans ranging from 500 minutes/month to 3500 minutes/month for the only 1¢/minute that allows you to call any number in China as well as 40 other countries and destinations! Plus users don’t need to commit to any contract, no activation fees, no hidden charges, and no Internet connection required! G3 guarantees clear quality and even offers a FREE trial for all new users! Customers can call from either their landline or cell phone. Even better, G3 Telecom offers its G3 Mobile App available on the App Store on iOS and Android that allows users to conveniently manage their account, access exclusive offers, dialler integration into their contact list, and call via cellular minutes, data, and even Wi-Fi connection!

About G3 Telecom

G3 Telecom is registered with the Better Business Bureau (A+ rating).

Established in 1999, G3 is registered with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission and the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission and serves customers in both countries with over 20 million minutes processed monthly.

G3 Telecom provides easy and affordable long-distance services to Canadian and USA based customers with a special focus on ethnic markets. G3’s focus is to provide a superior quality product with no hidden charges or fees and exceptional customer service.G3 Telecom has built a reputation of providing honest, reliable and quality long distance service.

Listen to what customers say about G3 Telecom:

“I have used G3 for 2 years now and find them great. I have used the service in the UK, France, Belgium, Spain, Germany, and the USA, and of course at home in Canada with never a problem! I have always found the customer service to be excellent, and will on my return from Arizona be switching my home phone to G3 from Shaw.” – Jerry Pullen

“I am using G3 Telecom long distance service for the past 8 years. It’s excellent. I use it from my home phone, cell phone and from any phone anywhere from the U.S. and Canada. The connection is fast and efficient and good sound quality. Operator service also competent and courteous.” – Vinod Lodhiya 


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Desktop App: Checkmark
BYOD: Checkmark
Area Code Selection: Checkmark
Extra Number: Checkmark
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Toll Free Numbers: Checkmark
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