Last Mile Wireless Reviews and Plans

Provider Summary Information
Last Mile Wireless
Last Mile Wireless

Last Mile Wireless

Coverage: Ontario, Niagara Region
Monthly : $69.95 CAD

1 2.5 reviewCount
FACT: When reviewing Last Mile Wireless visitors in most cases feel Feeling angry angry!!

5 Years Trend Users Ratings

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June 5, 2020
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 1
Submitted by: Annette (Welland , ON)
Feeling angry Angry Rating 👎

What a joke!

So I moved my business to Welland from Hamilton, where I had terrific service for more than 25 years with Porchlight. Unfortunately they don't deal in Welland so I made an appointment with this company. They were not able to get here for two weeks but I really had no choice - I needed to get back to processing orders, get on to PayPal, etc. Two weeks went by and I get a call the morning of my appointment that they are not coming. They checked things out and decided not to bother getting me connected. That's fine, although I think making me wait for two weeks for this news was a huge error. I called a second company who arrived three days later and I was connected. By the way, when I initially called Wireless and chose the sales department, nobody answered the phone for days, I left messages and nobody called me back, I kept having to call back hoping to reach someone. If you have time to waste this is the company for you.
Promo Plan Speeds

Download: 4 Mbps

Upload: 256 Kb

NWIC Inc. acquires Last Mile Wireless Internet Inc., doubling down on a commitment to provide superior broadband services across Niagara region.

Last Mile wireless internet was founded back in 2002 giving it a bit over 10 years of experience in the world of telecommunications. Very little is mentioned on Last Mile’s website about their history or achievements. The website is very concise and to the point, only offering rates and features of the plans that Last Mile wireless internet offers. Last Mile provides services for both business and residential users and also offers web hosting and web design services.

The headquarters of Last Mile wireless internet can be found at 1264 Garrison Rd Unit 9BFort Erie, Ontario, Canada L2A 1P1. Let us now review one of the residential plans that Last Mile has to offer!

Last Mile Wireless Internet offers a residential plan which they call rural 10. This plan comes with speeds of up to 8 Mbps and upload speeds of up to 2 Mbps. The practical application of these speeds for the clientele being targeted is spot on. This plan comes with an unlimited usage cap and is priced at $68.95 per month.

The speeds that wired connections offer such as Bell, for example, offer a DSL connection that comes with 6mbps download speeds, 1 Mbps upload speeds, with an unlimited usage cap for only $69.95 per month. That’s twenty dollars less than what Last Mile wireless internet is offering, but of course one must take into account whether or not the area is serviceable for wired connections. Last Mile Wireless provides a very positive solution to people who do not have the facilities for a wired internet connection.

The equipment required for the initial setup costs $199.00, which would be wired to only one router or computer, this is quite understandable considering the customer is not simply only paying for a router or modem. Apart from the equipment costs, there are no additional fees in terms of setup or activation. The unlimited aspect of this plan is very redeeming considering clients would not have to worry about any overage charges or throttling issues.

All in all Last Mile Wireless Internet can be given serious consideration when opting for a wireless internet services provider. Even though wired connections are the way to go in this day and age, some locations do not have access to wired connections. Last Mile Wireless internet takes the initiative in being able to provide such locations with internet access and we find it to be quite commendable!


Web Email Access: Checkmark
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Feature 24x7 Support: Checkmark
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Own Modem: Checkmark
Rent Modem: Checkmark
Combo Wireless Modem: Checkmark
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