MDS Wireless Reviews and Plans

Provider Summary Information
MDS Wireless
MDS Wireless

MDS Wireless

Coverage: Ontario
Monthly : $ CAD

3 0 reviewCount
FACT: When reviewing MDS Wireless visitors in most cases feel Feeling disappointed disappointed!!

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February 17, 2017
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 0
Submitted by: B Clarke (Lynden , ON)
Feeling angry Angry Rating 👎

out of business

After being with mds wireless for 20 years ( I had no other choice in my area) they closed up with no notice what so ever. Phones no longer work, no internet yet they cashed my last payment which included Feb of which they were not in business!
November 6, 2016
Review Helpful? 2 Yes No 0
Submitted by: John (caledon , ON)
Feeling disappointed Disappointed Rating 👎

Slowing With Time

3 years ago our internet worked great. assuming that the more customers they get the slower they're speeds have got. they do not reach the promised 3 MBPS anymore. last few months have reached a maximum of 1.72 MBPS. This is enough to browse the web but not quick enough to stream videos or online gaming. we used to have no problem watching netflix/youtube etc. However since June/July 2016 can no longer stream videos and its only getting worse with time.

June 4, 2016
Review Helpful? 2 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Mark j (Lynden , ON)


Beware. Use other service
Promo Plan Speeds



MDS Wireless was operating in Southern Ontario since its founding year of 2003. With over a decade of experience in the world of telecommunications, MDS Wireless certainly had a very large reputation to live up to.

The headquarters of MDS Wireless was found at 6175 Highway 7, Unit 10, Vaughan, Ontario Canada, L4H 0P6.

As of February 2017, MDS Wireless ceased operations leaving all of its customers stranded and without connection or notice. According to existing MDS Wireless customers, there was no notice, MDS Wireless simply stop working and was gone.

This is the worst kind of experience and according to current CRTC regulations, there is no obligation or law that would force a company to tell/communicate it's customers that are going out of business. This is most unfortunate for underserved rural areas. We sincerely hope regulation changes, and the government provides a better framework to support companies and end-users alike. 


Web Email Access: Checkmark
Online Chat Support: Checkmark
Feature 24x7 Support: Checkmark
Unlimited Bandwidth: Checkmark
Own Modem: Checkmark
Rent Modem: Checkmark
Combo Wireless Modem: Checkmark
Fixed IP Available Checkmark
DHCP IP Checkmark
Extra Protection Plan Checkmark
DSL Checkmark
Cable Checkmark
Email Accounts Checkmark

What happened to our service?? I'm cancelling our credit card authorization if service isn't resumed by tonight. No phone -temporarily suspended, no web page , no emails. MDS seems to have flown the coup Not nice for clients

Now, when you try to access a web page, you get a contact page from netaccess (WStar). They're offering a 6/1 Mps unlimited bandwidth package, no installation fee, for $90 a month. Think I will try Silo, they have lower priced packages. 6 Mps still isn't very fast internet. Would like Xplornet to expand LTE service to my area.

Looks like creditors have been left holding the bag on MDS. I just filed a lost credit card claim to prevent any of them for billing me for no more service. I have already arranged for a site survey from Silowireless. The only other options were a satelite service or Bell's excessively priced TurboHub.

yeah, our mds internet is down as well. cancelled credit card assuming they are out of business. unfortunately only other option for internet for us is bell turbo hub, 100 gigabytes for 140$ a month. very disappointed

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