Oricom Reviews and Plans

Provider Summary Information


Website: www.oricom.ca
Coverage: QC
Monthly : $49.95 CAD

4 1 reviewCount
FACT: When reviewing Oricom visitors in most cases feel Feeling satisfied satisfied!!

5 Years Trend Users Ratings

All Reviews

November 11, 2024
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 0
Submitted by: scott (ottawa , ON)
Feeling happy Happy Rating 👍


Amazing service and very fast internet speed
March 31, 2016
Review Helpful? 8 Yes No 1
Submitted by: Benoit Desbiens (Quebec , QC)

À éviter

À éviter absolument, après 5 ans de mauvais services, à avoir un téléphone qui fonctionnait à moitié et m'a fait perdre plusieurs clients à mon commerce, avec un internet qui coupe constamment, des contrats trop long qui te font payer même quand tu fermes ton commerce et pour bien finir après avoir donné 7 mois d'argent pour un service que je n'utilisais plus vu que mon local était fermé ils ont le culot de m'envoyer une facture de 15$ pour un fil manquant à leur modem, pas de prob le chèque est dans la poste mais pourfaire un 15$ sur mon dos pour un fil qui en vaut 5$ après vous avoir donner 600$ pour un service que j'utilisais même plus c'est cheap rare
September 30, 2014
Review Helpful? 1 Yes No 0
Submitted by: gvrvwimpbot ( Montreal , QC)
Feeling satisfied Satisfied Rating 👍

Review from Canadianisp.ca

I am happy with their cable service. It is fast and no problem at all.
April 20, 2009
Review Helpful? 1 Yes No 0
Submitted by: gvrvwimpbot ( , )
Feeling satisfied Satisfied Rating 👍

Review from Canadianisp.ca

Fast and reliable
Promo Plan Speeds

Download: 100 MBPS

Upload: 20 MBPS

Oricom has been providing internet services for the past two decades having been founded back in 1995. They offer the trifecta of telecommunications services which include television, phone, and internet. They provide various bundles to help customers save their money when they opt for multiple Oricom services. They boast they offer the best plans available going as far as to say “Dare to compare our plans; you will see the ORICOM INTERNET advantage.” It will be our job to put this claim to the real test!

Oricom headquarters can be found at 400 Rue Nolin, Quebec, G1M 1E7. Now GoneVoIP will review Oricoms flagship home internet plans. We detail the fundamental characteristics of each plan to gain better insights.

Oricom offers a variety of different DSL and cable plans for residential users – each of these plans is tailored in a way to meet the specific needs of the various types of clientele. 

Simplicity Internet Review

  • Cable 5: 5 Mbps Down, 1 Mbps Up UNLTD: $30.95
  • Cable 10: 10 Mbps Down, 1.5 Mbps Up UNLTD: $45.95
  • Cable 15: 15 Mbps Down, 10 Mbps Up UNLTD: $35.95
  • Cable 30: 30 Mbps Down, 10 Mbps Up UNLTD: $50.95
  • Cable 60: 60 Mbps Down, 10 Mbps Up UNLTD: $44.95
  • Cable 100: 100 Mbps Down, 20 Mbps Up UNLTD: $49.95
  • Cable 200: 200 Mbps Down, 30 Mbps Up, Usage1000 GB: $100.95

The overage charges that Oricom implements are off the charts as we can tell. We usually see providers implementing overage charges of $0.25-$0.35 per GB. Oricom implements an overage charge of $1.50 per GB. Furthermore, Oricom does offers a service that is called OriFlex in where for an extra $2 per month the Oricom manages the cap based on the use. In essence, OriFlex is a dynamic bandwidth cap.

In concluding Oricom pricing seems to be on track with implementing unlimited usage. It is known the cap, in an unlimited internet era, are going into extinction.


Web Email Access: Checkmark
Online Chat Support: Checkmark
Feature 24x7 Support: Checkmark
Unlimited Bandwidth: Checkmark
Own Modem: Checkmark
Rent Modem: Checkmark
Combo Wireless Modem: Checkmark
Fixed IP Available Checkmark
DHCP IP Checkmark
Extra Protection Plan Checkmark
DSL Checkmark
Cable Checkmark
Email Accounts Checkmark
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