Pulse Telecom Reviews and Plans

Provider Summary Information
Pulse Telecom
Pulse Telecom

Pulse Telecom

Website: www.pulsetelecom.ca
Coverage: Not Longer Operating
Monthly : $0 CAD


1 0 reviewCount
FACT: When reviewing Pulse Telecom visitors in most cases feel Feeling satisfied satisfied!!

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May 4, 2020
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 1
Submitted by: OLGA Bagby (Newport Beach , MB)
Feeling satisfied Satisfied Rating 👍


My name is Olga and I been customer with pulse telecom maybe around 4 Years. Today I called and would loved to cancel my account.. well It is not easy than you think. First they put me on hold more than 10 min after that the person who is customer service was very very rude !!! He used my time with only one question WHY i want to cancel my account, He want me to be their customer "FOREVER AND NOT LEAVE THE COMPANY" - this is how he spoke with me and this is his words, When I said it is my personal matters to cancel account , he continue to ask me WHY and WHY and WHY , after that I felt he is like joking with me and laughed at me ...I tried to say I DONT NEED ANYMORE YOUR COMPANY SERVICE all he continued WHY, WHY,WHY ...I was in the phone for 15 min and I can get thru with him ...he was very bad with me I felt so uncomfortable and I don't have time for him continued to asked me WHY I want cancel account. I am not sure what to do next ...but this is so unbelievable I DO HAVE MY RIGHTS to CANCEL account or anything else whatever I wanted. We are live in USA we have rights to do what feel right for ourself not for company I don't use anymore. Please advise what to do next and please new customers don't sign with company who DOESN"T RESPECT YOUR RIGHTS AND YOUR TIME AND ALSO YOUR BUSINESS.
Setup Fee Long Distance Rates

Intl. Minutes:

No Longer Operating.

Pulse Telecom was a Long Distance service provider. Pulse Telecom Canada was a subsidiary of Pulse Telecom Inc. HQ in Schaumburg, Illinois USA. Pulse Telecom folded operations in December of 2018, in the USA and in Canada.

In all at the time GoneVoIP had reviewed found Pulse Telecom had some interesting features, sometimes calling rates were not as good as those of other top international long-distance providers, thus this may have contributed to the provider's faith. 


Smartphone App: Checkmark
Desktop App: Checkmark
BYOD: Checkmark
Area Code Selection: Checkmark
Extra Number: Checkmark
Web Management: Checkmark
Toll Free Numbers: Checkmark
VoiceMail to Email: Checkmark

my PIN number not working please give me another please call me at 416 898 1495 thanks so much

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