The unescaping reality is that not everyone knows what to do to troubleshoot his or her VoIP phone or Home Office setup. Here is a quick reference with easy to follow VoIP tips and tricks. Many of these we had learned from our own experience. Though other users have shared theirs.
Audio Delay
If you experience audio delays in conversations it’s most likely related to the response times you’re getting from the VoIP server servicing your ATA. The Jitter has to be less than 50 ms; anything more and the conversations are a bit off. A good tool to troubleshoot this is http://voiptest.8× Use it a few times and it will show if the internet connection can keep a reliable VoIP communication. Consider that applications such as bit-torrent or streaming services like Netflix shall be factored in. The VoIP adapter from time-to-time does require updates, either new firmware or just configuration tweaking. Sometimes, the VoIP provider can’t provide reliable service for a combination of factors.
No Audio / One-way Audio
When a VoIP phone call there is no audio is likely related to a firewall setting on the internet router. You do need specific information from the VoIP phone provider. For example, the SIP signaling ports (for example SIP is traditionally assigned to UDP ports 5060 and 5061) and the RTP (Real-Time Protocol) port range they use for voice traffic. RTP port ranges are also UDP and vary in range amongst different providers. Finally, review if any more ports are required for their service.
VoIP Tips: Keeping a 24×7 Internet Connection @ Home
Keeping an internet connection up 24×7 is an after-thought for many. But there are some considerations. Here is one of the most used VoIP tips; namely, you need to have a powered battery backup, (set aside some time and read this power backup article, depending on your needs it really is a worthy expense). In addition, you will want to keep your Internet router keeping cool. Literally speaking.
Now, here is the deal, which not many providers would like you to know; if the router overheats it shutdown itself. Most networking devices are preprogrammed to do that as self-protection, or the most typical case experience sporadic connectivity issues. Leading to a total hardware failure due to internal damaged circuitry.
For a resilient VoIP + Internet or even for a Home Office setup the solution is really inexpensive. Just get a USB powered notebook cooling pad, make sure it has at least 4-fans (as this pad for gamer’s notebook does, keeping your cool for $25). Place the modem, router, and VoIP ATA and you are good – up and running 24x7x365 like big companies datacenters! Well not quite, but it will extend the life of your home networking devices.