Start Reviews and Plans

Provider Summary Information


Devices: None
Coverage: ON & QC
Monthly : $20 CAD


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March 9, 2018
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Submitted by: Peter Revie (Guelph , ON)
Feeling satisfied Satisfied Rating 👍

You should start with

Best customer service, hands down. Reach a real person on the phone easily and they know what they're doing.

However, having to actually call them is not a frequent thing since service has been top notch.
Setup Fee Long Distance Rates

Canada: FREE
Intl. Minutes:

The Start company has been around for a while now estavlished in 2005 and sold to Telus in 2022. Start headquarters were in London, ON. An impressive thing to note about Start is that it is BBB accredited with an A rating and has received a meager 6 complaints in the past 3 years. The Start company has certainly built a large infrastructure in the past ten years that is now providing service globally. 

Start offers a Digital Voice US/Canada plan that costs $20.00 per month. If we were to compare this rate with Phone Power which can ultimately be attained for $7.40 per month using our pricing links, Start does seem to be much more expensive. The features and long-distance rates are excluded from this plan which makes us wonder whether or not the price is worth the plan! 

Start also boasts some incredibly low international calling rates. For example, the international calling rate to cellular Pakistan phones is $0.04 per minute, which is a very competitive price. If we were to compare this with Yak, another prominent long-distance provider that offers long-distance rates to Pakistan cellular devices for $0.115 per minute! The difference of over six cents is greatly in favor of Start, and it certainly redeems itself for having a pricier plan. 

A few key aspects of residential home phone services were missing from Start’s plan. There was no mention of a smart app to offer better portability options to homeowners. There was also no indication of a proper fax system that could be integrated with this plan. However, there were the usual calling features that are provided by almost every provider, such as conference calling and voicemail.

Transferring your number to Start service is free of cost, however, these small features are not enough to justify the lack of a smart app or fax service.

The other two plans from Start Digital Phone are:

  • Digital Voice Canada: Call all of Canada at $15 per month. Again more expensive than for example VoIP Much North America plan at $9.45
  • Digital Voice World: Unlimited Calling to 65 countries including India, China, Bangladesh and more at $30 per month

All in all, Gonevoip considers the Start approach to Digital Voice Home Phone plans does bring proper phone services to a household. However, there are many other options that are just as, or even more viable then Start. Start needs to integrate more features into its plan to better accommodate the $20.00 price tag that comes along with this service.

Due to BBB’s accreditation, we can assert that Start does provide quality customer satisfaction, but there are still ways that Start can go above and beyond to provide a better experience for its clients!


Call Blocking Checkmark
Conference Calling Checkmark
BYOD: Checkmark
Smartphone App: Checkmark
Call Forwarding Checkmark
Call Hold Checkmark
Caller ID Name: Checkmark
Enhanced VoiceMail: Checkmark

Is there any way I can stop someone from calling me, without changing my number?

Hi Jana, The usual first step is to register in the do not call list. Though that is for annoyance calls/telemarketers. Some advance providers do offer black-listing numbers you do not want to get calls from. and also have an extra feature that does not allow anonymous calls. The Gonevoip Team

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Important Checklist when Selecting VoIP Service

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service has gained popularity in recent years and for good reason. The technology allows for the streamlining of communication avenues while saving businesses and residents money in utilities. If you are on the fence, below are three considerations to contemplate when deciding on residential or business VoIP service. VoIP is more affordable long-term One of the primary reasons to transition to VoIP service is cost savings. VoIP service subscriptions are often lower than traditional home and business phone
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