Surf Internet Reviews and Plans

Provider Summary Information
Surf Internet
Surf Internet

Surf Internet

Coverage: BC & ON
Monthly : $69.99 CAD


81 4.5 reviewCount
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January 3, 2022
Review Helpful? 1 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Brad Mil (Richmond , BR)
Feeling disappointed Disappointed Rating 👎


Well been using them for a few years when it works it works fair price but when you have issues.... support takes days to get to you.. they also have DNS issues so set your internal DNS to google. yes im IT been doing this for over 20 yrs will probably leave next month once my contract expires as being down for to 50% for a 1-2 weeks i can not do that with covid-19
June 14, 2020
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 0
Submitted by: James (Coquitlam , BC)
Feeling angry Angry Rating 👎

Poor Service and totally not trustworthy

The Surf internet raises the rate substantailly however still provide the internet that the connection quality is always spoty. So I request to disconnect the service. They cut off the service before the requested time, however reluctant to provide the detail of the refund that I prepaid.

Reply from: roshan
September 16, 2020
When you cancel, they charge installation fees of 85$ and 5% for refunding fees.
March 16, 2020
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 0
Submitted by: JD (Coquitlam , BC)
Feeling angry Angry Rating 👎

I can\'t give negative stars?

They provided a VoIP and it never worked. Contacted them as they had messed up the internet install for the first 3 months and was not able to get VOIP connected for that reason and they subsequently cut my internet off for non payment even tho I was waiting on them to provide a credit. Important to note is that the VoIP bill was $30 whereas I prepaid $600 for internet for a year.

Absolutely horrible service

Reply from: George
March 16, 2020
Dear Customer,
I checked your profile, we send you many emails and phone calls over a few months saying there is an outstanding amount. You decided to ignore it, so we disconnected the Internet and Phone services.
Again, you paid the re-activation fees to reconnect your line, and we did that for you. It took 3 business days to re-connect you again.
November 28, 2019
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 1
Submitted by: Rosh (Mississauga , ON)
Feeling angry Angry Rating 👎

Cheating surf Internet swervice

I had paid 1 year fees after consulting with surf internet. They confirmed my modem is compatible with their connection and compelled me to pay the fees right away. Just 4 days before the installation date, they informed us that my modem is not compatible and need to buy their modem for $85. They lied to me and looted my money. They request us to upgrade their connection later because their is a hidden charge of $35. I have requested a full refund and no appreciable response from them. Very pathetic isp provider I meet in my life. These guys are the clever money looters.

Reply from: George
November 28, 2019
Please accept my apologies, there must have been some miss-communication. Please just contact me and i will help resolve the issue ASAP.

Again, please accept my apologies, and please contact me via our email, ATTN George, or give us a call at 1866-850 2414, and i will help right away.

July 11, 2019
Review Helpful? 2 Yes No 0
Submitted by: yash Sharma (surrey , BC)
Feeling angry Angry Rating 👎


Zero credibility , Con Company . They will Lure you with cheap plan there after will extract money with different ways BUY Compatible modem etc. If you set direct payment they will keep charging even if scheme changed or discontinued . I wrongly paid whole year amount even then I was charged for 2 months . Pathetic worst experience . Very unfriendly staff . Surely BIG BIG Harassment . SOLID NO NO

Reply from: George
November 28, 2019
Dear Yash,

Please accept my apologies for any frustration this might have caused.
There is NO requirement to buy a modem from us. Actually on our website, we confirm that the customer can just use their own equipment. We are not in service to sell equipment, even the equipment we have, we sell them at very competitive price not expecting much gain from them.

Again, accept my apologies for any frustration. The customer is more than welcome to use their own equipment. We are not in business to sell modems.

thank you
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Promo Plan Speeds

Download: 300 Mbps

Upload: 100 Mbps

Surf Internet is a small internet service provider founded in Coquitlam, British Columbia in 2013. They provide services for Vancouver and lower mainland BC, and Ontario as well. Surf Internet has FTTN and Cable Internet deals and Fiber Internet deals that you can choose from to meet your preferences and needs. All internet packages are no contract plans.

The following plans are unlimited Cable and FTTN Internet plans available in Ontario and Lower Mainland British Columbia.

  • 5 mbps down, 1 mbps up for $19.99/month.
  • 25 mbps down, 2.5 mbps up for $29.99/month. 
  • 75 mbps down, 7.5 mbps up for $39.99/month. 
  • 150 mbps down, 15 mbps up for $59.99/month. 
  • 300 mbps down, 20 mbps up for $69.99/month. 
  • 750 mbps Download, 100 mbps upload for $79.99/month.
  • 1000 mbps Download, 100 mbps upload for $89.99/month.

The activation fee is a one-time $85 (however, fee is waived when you pre-paid for a year). A modem can be purchased for $126 rented, or you have the option to use your own. The connection in speeds higher than 75 mbps download is through Broadband Cable only.

The sets of plans also present the opportunity to buy a router for $144 (or $186 for the faster plans) rather than renting.

Surf Internet is one of the cheap internet options you may be looking for. Their plans are similar to GoneVoIP’s other top rated telecommunication providers such as Altima. CIK Telecom and Gems Telecom.

Though the added installation fee shoots the total price up, the plans offered are still some of the best deals that are available. GoneVoIP definitely agrees that Surf Internet is an internet service provider that is a great choice if you are lucky enough to live in the areas they serve. If unfortunately you aren’t, we hope that this provider is a trendsetter for the rest of Canada and expensive internet service providers in the market.


Web Email Access: Checkmark
Online Chat Support: Checkmark
Feature 24x7 Support: Checkmark
Unlimited Bandwidth: Checkmark
Own Modem: Checkmark
Rent Modem: Checkmark
Combo Wireless Modem: Checkmark
Fixed IP Available Checkmark
DHCP IP Checkmark
Extra Protection Plan Checkmark
DSL Checkmark
Cable Checkmark
Email Accounts Checkmark

I would like to purchase my own Cable Modem for your Fiber Optic installs with speeds up to 1000 Mbps. Can advise as to what is requirred to connect to your internet service,

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what modem I need for the internet 25MB

Hello, You'll need a DOCSIS 3.0 compatible modem. It is better to check with the team at Surf Internet the firmware version they support. Unfortunately, they do not have or publish a list of supported hardware and firmware. You can call them up to 604-945-4225 The Gonevoip Team

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Will this service be available on Vancouver Island in the future. Or are you looking to start up on the island and looking for someone to help get it going here... looking forward to your reply. .Steve Keel

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