Uniserve Reviews and Plans

Provider Summary Information


Website: www.uniserve.com
Coverage: AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, ON, PEI, QC
Monthly : $20.00 CAD

1 2 reviewCount

5 Years Trend Users Ratings

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Setup Fee Long Distance Rates
Not Mentioned

Canada: 2.5 cent/min
USA: 2.5 cent/min
Intl. Minutes: Varying

Uniserve has been in the business for 25 years now serving customers across Canada. They offer a variety of services to residential users as well as business owners. They provide internet connectivity and VoIP solutions as well. Apart from that they also provide web hosting, colocation, domain registration, and IT services such as data backup, redundancies, and data storage. The versatility Uniserve brings to the table is very commendable, to say the least.

Their headquarters can be found at 330 – 333 Terminal Ave, Vancouver, BC V6A 4C1. Let us now, however, indulge ourselves with a review of the various long-distance plans that Uniserve provides.

Uniserve doesn’t offer a lot of flexibility with their long-distance plans as it seems only their residential VoIP home phone plan is the only plan that would allow you to dial throughout the globe – of course at a per-minute charge.

However, the plans that Uniserve does offer for long-distance will be our topic of discussion. Uniserve offers a Canada only long-distance plan ($2 per month, 5 cents per minute), an unlimited North America plan ($5.00 per month, 2.5 cents per minute for Canada and US), and an unlimited China plan that allows unlimited calling in North America as well which is priced at $20.00 per month.

The last plan, however, isn’t truly unlimited as the fair usage policy indicates that the user would only be allotted 1,000 minutes per month, and each subsequent minute would cost 2.5 cents per minute. We more commonly see a 2,500-minute limit rather than the meager 1,000 minutes that Uniserve is offering. PhonePower offers a long-distance plan that is viable for over 30 countries and is unlimited for only $19.99 per month.

Even if you opted for the residential local plan, you’d be paying unseemly amounts of money for long-distance. Uniserve implements a charge of 27 cents per minute for making international calls to Pakistan, while PhonePower only charges a meager 3.2 cents per minute. No long-distance plan that Uniserve offers are viable for dialing too many countries which means catering to the diversity of Canada is not Uniserve’s intention.

Uniserve needs to definitely up their game in a variety of different ways. Specifically, the pricing is definitely off, also including many different countries to accommodate the substantial diversity that is prevalent throughout Canada. The unlimited calling plans for Canada and the US don’t include the territories of Canada and various states such as Hawaii, Alaska, and others.


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