Vancouver Community Network Reviews and Plans

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Vancouver Community Network
Vancouver Community Network

Vancouver Community Network

Coverage: BC
Monthly : $FREE CAD

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Download: 56k

Upload: 56k

The Vancouver Community Network (VCN) is a multicultural, community-based organization that owns and operates a free publicly accessible, non-commercial, community computer utility in the Lower Mainland of BC which provides a public space on the Internet for members of the Vancouver community.

Some of the VCN's goals include supporting individuals and organizations both in building and maintaining public space on the Internet internationally, educating and encouraging the public in the use of the Internet and working towards the widest possible public access to the Internet including government and other non-profit organizations such as libraries and other public access sites.

In our review of VCN, we will examine the services they offer, estimate if there are any actual or hidden costs to these services, and see if it is a viable option for either individuals, organizations or any other entities to use in gaining access to the Internet.

All of VCN's services are free of charge. This makes them one of the more interesting companies that GoneVoip has explored.  There are not only no hidden costs, but there are simply no costs.

The services VCN offers are for individuals, as well as non-profit and group accounts with the only requirement being that you live in the Vancouver community.

Those services include but are not limited to: free internet access via dial-up, free e-mail accounts, free webmail, free web page hosting, free public access Internet and computers, referrals for used computers and free computer help from their technical help desk.
While dial-up Internet with a 56k download and upload speeds may not be the top choice for many, the fact is that this service is being provided for free. If your goal is to watch and download movies all day, you may want to consider a paid internet service. However, if your goal is simply to access information that you may not have had access to prior to signing up with VCN, this is an option worth considering. The service is there for those who do not have access to the Internet more than those who have access but do not want to pay for it.

Their dial-up Internet features three pools of 56k modems that allow users in the toll-free area of the Greater Vancouver area to get connected to the Internet. There is a six-hour continuous Internet limit use. This means that after six hours of continuous use, they will let someone else go online.

In our review of VCN, we commend the company for playing a role in providing the Internet to the community, especially for those who may not have the Internet or are not able to afford it.
We hope that one day the Internet is provided as High-speed, not just dial-up.   The Internet is a basic need nowadays. If you take out factors of speed and maybe even full reliability, providing Internet service to your community free of charge is a powerful movement towards community building.

If you believe that the Internet is an essential service which should be free to all - or if you simply do not have the money to afford the Internet, then VCN may be worth looking into.


Web Email Access: Checkmark
Online Chat Support: Checkmark
Feature 24x7 Support: Checkmark
Unlimited Bandwidth: Checkmark
Own Modem: Checkmark
Rent Modem: Checkmark
Combo Wireless Modem: Checkmark
Fixed IP Available Checkmark
DHCP IP Checkmark
Extra Protection Plan Checkmark
DSL Checkmark
Cable Checkmark
Email Accounts Checkmark
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