VMedia Inc Reviews and Plans

VMedia Inc
Provider Summary Information
VMedia Inc
VMedia Inc

VMedia Inc

Website: www.vmedia.ca
Coverage: AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, ON, PEI, QC & SK
Monthly : $89.95 CAD

83 2 reviewCount
FACT: When reviewing VMedia Inc visitors in most cases feel Feeling angry angry!!

5 Years Trend Users Ratings

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June 20, 2023
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 0
Submitted by: mchan (Kanata , ON)
Feeling happy Happy Rating 👍

VMedia cable internet speed

We have been with VMedia cable internet service for 9 years. We are in a newer neighborhood in the Kanata area. VMedia has been a reliable ISP. There were few outages throughout the years, but mostly due to extreme weather causing power outage, or fiber damage.
The upload and download speed have been very consistent throughout the day. I never experienced any speed throttling from VMedia. We don't do Bittorrent, we use the internet for Netflix, youtube, online gaming, and remote work.
During pandemic lockdown, we had 4 video teleconferencing and 2 VPN running simultaneously with no issue. We have the 70M/30M plan. We don't use the Vmedia TV service.
April 23, 2023
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Jon Paghal (Brantford , ON)
Feeling disppointed Disppointed Rating 👍


This is by far the worst service EVER. The amount of buffering is RIDICULOUS. Want tp watch an entire show well to bad bc you will spend most of the show restarting the service or watching it buffer. ABSOLUTE ABSOLUTE ABSOLUTE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE
March 29, 2023
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 0
Submitted by: G. MacKay (Ottawa , ON)
Feeling satisfied Satisfied Rating 👍

Why so many negative reviews?

I've just been enjoying TV and Internet for the past 2 days and am very happy with VMedia.

I did have a problem at first and texted with an agent. I've got to admit he was completely useless.
But then he directed me to call technical support and this person did a pretty good job of solving my problem.
Turns out I need to hard reboot my VBOX which involves holding the reset down while pluggin in the power. A little tricky but nothing I couldn't handle.
Anyway after that everything worked great!

TV works fine on my 30Mbit connection at $40 a month. No delays at all, quick response from menus, 4k resolution when available. What more can you ask for?

I'm very happy.
December 23, 2021
Review Helpful? 5 Yes No 1
Submitted by: Rico (Toronto , ON)
Feeling angry Angry Rating 👎

V MEDIA Theives!

Service stopped often, was credited the days lost internet, but lost way more money as I was working from home.They also charged me 1st month normal but didn't notice till months after they been charging my credit card more and more each month was supposed to be $65 and charged $125,$130 etc per month and would not refund me as I asked!!!
July 7, 2021
Review Helpful? 1 Yes No 1
Submitted by: gvrvwimpbot ( Waterloo , ON)
Feeling satisfied Satisfied Rating 👍

Review from Canadianisp.ca

At the beginning I switched because the prices were better for the speed I was getting. I began a little bit to regret that when I had to deal with their customer service, however they got somehow better.
The service is OK, and now I do not need to contact their customer service (the best is when you do not have to contact them at all and all is working).
If they improve their customer service, they would be very interesting for a lot of customers.
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Promo Plan Speeds

Download: 300 Mbps

Upload: 20 Mbps

VMedia is one of Canada’s leading independent telecommunications and broadcasting company, offering high-speed Internet, TV, Home Phone and Home Security services across Canada. VMedia provides fast internet service (Cable, FTTN or DSL) at reasonable prices and with unlimited data included.

The innovative TV service offers low cost, ‘build your own’ TV packages and an advanced IPTV platform to enjoy live TV and all your favorite online content such as Netflix, YouTube and more. Plus cool features like VCloud 'Scroll-Back' TV, VOD, and PVR. VMedia’s Home Phone and Home Security deliver low monthly plans combined with appealing features for these services. VMedia is the alternative to the major companies in the market and provides better value, innovative features, and great customer service.

VMedia's high-speed internet is available coast-to-coast. The VMedia internet plans start at $29.95 with a choice of DSL or Cable. All of VMedia's internet plans are unlimited with no fixed-term contracts.

Following we review and detail some of the most notable VMedia Residential Internet plans:


  • FTTN 25: 25 Mbps Down, 10 Mbps Up at $49.95 month
  • FTTN 50: 50 Mbps Down, 10 Mbps Up at $54.95 month


  • Cable 150: 150 Mbps Down, 15 Mbps Up at $81.95 month
  • Cable 300: 300 Mbps Down, 20 Mbps Up at $89.95 month
  • Cable 500: 500 Mbps Down, 20 Mbps Up at $79.95 month
  • Cable 1024: 1024 Mbps Down, 30 Mbps Up at $89.95 month

As we can appreciate the nine VMedia Internet packages come with several configurations. In some cases, VMedia has exceptional offers, for example during the Holiday season the FTTN packages had their price slashed by $20. Also, seasonally VMedia is known to offer 2-free months on some popular plans. 

Final note, all of VMedia internet plans are with Free Installation and in the case of FTTN and DSL the internet Modem rental is included. For Cable internet the rental is $4.95 per month. Also shall be noted, the Internet service is provided on a best-effort basis. As noted in the term of service, VMedia does not guarantee the speed of any Internet Service they provide.  


Web Email Access: Checkmark
Online Chat Support: Checkmark
Feature 24x7 Support: Checkmark
Unlimited Bandwidth: Checkmark
Own Modem: Checkmark
Rent Modem: Checkmark
Combo Wireless Modem: Checkmark
Fixed IP Available Checkmark
DHCP IP Checkmark
Extra Protection Plan Checkmark
DSL Checkmark
Cable Checkmark
Email Accounts Checkmark

Could I use wireless printer with your internet. I also have Roku for Netflix.

Hello Robin, In general terms, as long as you have a wireless router you may use anyone's internet provider to print. The typical modem provided by VMedia does not have Wi-Fi, so you'll need to buy one. We wrote a great article to help guide the selection here: https://www.gonevoip.ca/best-home-wireless-router/ Hope this helps. The GoneVoIP Team.

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Internet Cable Wars: Battleground Ontario

It has been brewing for a few months. Competition in the Cable Internet segment, especially on Rogers's territory is fierce. This is mainly driven by, ironically Rogers itself by making available to smaller or independent ISP's Speeds that would otherwise look premium. Rogers's strategy seems to be working as small ISPs as VMedia or Velcom go neck a neck with other medium-sized internet companies such as TekSavvy. Offers Some of the available plans from Rogers' resellers are: Velcom 250 Mbps Down /
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The 25 Most Popular Providers of 2018

To check our most updated list of popular providers please follow this link. Annually the GoneVoIP platform receives about half a million visitors. In general, the visits tend to be spread over the more than 490 service providers found in the GoneVoIP platform, though there are trends and patterns GoneVoIP team of specialists observe. This year more than in any previous before, the top 5 most viewed pages of 2018 correspond to Internet Providers. The majority of searches are related to finding
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Ontario’s Best 150 Mbps Cable Internet Plans

Comparing some of the Best 150 Mbps Download and Unlimited Internet plans in Ontario. For this updated comparison, we continue to chose to use Cable Internet. Note, all ISPs listed here are using Rogers Cable backbone network. What sets them apart is the pricing and overall strategy. Promotional internet prices are extremely common; so we have also looked at the fine print (see "Promo" details), shown the total yearly price, and calculated the price per Mbps of download speed. In Ontario, similar
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