Waterloo Wireless Reviews and Plans

Waterloo Wireless
Provider Summary Information
Waterloo Wireless
Waterloo Wireless

Waterloo Wireless

Website: www.waterloowireless.com
Coverage: Ontario
Monthly : $45 CAD

15 3 reviewCount
FACT: When reviewing Waterloo Wireless visitors in most cases feel Feeling satisfied satisfied!!

5 Years Trend Users Ratings

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April 2, 2024
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Derek Wildbrook (Conestogo Lake , ON)
Feeling happy Happy Rating 👍

Professional, fast internet with amazing service.

They came out to fix my internet the same day. Their technicians were well spoken and knowledgeable and took care of my connection issues. I have recommended them to my neighbours and they are all happy switching as well!
March 31, 2020
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Larry Pierce (Winterbourne , ON)
Feeling satisfied Satisfied Rating 👍

Good Rural Internet Provider

We have been using them for at least five years and their service has been excellent and quite reliable. There response to any problems has been prompt and effective.
November 11, 2019
Review Helpful? 1 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Bob (Maryhil , ON)
Feeling satisfied Satisfied Rating 👍

Great Service

Service has improved and got much better
November 29, 2018
Review Helpful? 1 Yes No 0
Submitted by: Darcy Young (Kitchener , ON)
Feeling satisfied Satisfied Rating 👍

From a Customer

I have to say your customer service is fantastic!!! Thanks for this email!!! :)

March 7, 2017
Review Helpful? 0 Yes No 4
Submitted by: Mr (Kitchener , ON)
Feeling angry Angry Rating 👎


Megawire is absolutely horrible! They can't even be rated. Unprofessional and should be shut down.
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Promo Plan Speeds

Download: 2 Mbps

Upload: 256 Kbps

Waterloo Wireless is the rural internet division of Megawire Inc. Megawire is a company that was founded in 1998 as an Internet Service Provider and has gained great popularity in the span of a very short time. Megawire at one point had offers for wireless internet, DSL and cable internet, as well as other IT cabling solutions for diverse situations such as home security, home theatre systems or enterprise networks. Though Megawire focus shifted, focusing on IT core and spinning of Wireless Internet access with Waterloo Wireless.  The headquarters of Megawire / Waterloo Wireless can be found at 235 Ardelt Ave, Unit 2B Kitchener, Ont.  N2C 2M3, Canada.

Waterloo Wireless has wireless coverage on most of Southwestern Ontario. Let us now review Waterloo Wireless plans to get a better understanding of their services! 

First, let's review the basics - what everyone gets:

  • Unlimited Usage,
  • 10 Email Accounts,
  • Anti-Spam Service,
  • Global Webmail

Waterloo Wireless offers a basic plan for home users which they call the Highspeed 3. This plan comes with download speeds of up to 3 Mbps and upload speeds of up to 512 kbps and is offered on unlimited bandwidth usage. The pricing for this plan is $45 per month. Which is phenomenal if you factor the unlimited bandwidth! Waterloo Wireless has certainly done its research in finding out the lowest prices being offered for such a plan. Xplorenet is known for having some of the most expensive plans and a culture of applying hefty overage charges. Waterloo Wireless is certainly a provider to look out for when on the hunt for a reliable Wireless ISP. The added bonus is that this plan is offered on a non-contractual basis meaning customers don’t have to feel bound to anything when opting for such low costing service. Waterloo Wireless Waterloo Wireless bills on a quarterly basis meaning that is your contract.

Another great thing is that Waterloo Wireless does not charge a site survey - so it is worth checking them out.

All internet plans are as follow:

  • Highspeed 3: 3 Mbps Down / 512 Kbps Up @ $45 / month
  • Highspeed 5: 5 Mbps Down / 1 Mbps Up @ $55 / month
  • Highspeed 10: 10 Mbps Down / 1 Mbps Up @ $80 / month
  • Highspeed 25: 25 Mbps Down / 1 Mbps Up @ $100 / month

Waterloo Wireless is a Wireless Internet Provider business that has certainly done its research before jumping into the fray. The pricing on their plan is close to unbeatable, and they offer comprehensive customer support for any clients in need of a quick fix. The only thing we believe Waterloo Wireless can certainly work on is the top speeds, something we look forward to is for providers bringing faster speeds to rural Canada, with unlimited plans, affordable and excellent customer service!


Web Email Access: Checkmark
Online Chat Support: Checkmark
Feature 24x7 Support: Checkmark
Unlimited Bandwidth: Checkmark
Own Modem: Checkmark
Rent Modem: Checkmark
Combo Wireless Modem: Checkmark
Fixed IP Available Checkmark
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Extra Protection Plan Checkmark
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Email Accounts Checkmark
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